What is SkillBridge?

The DOD SkillBridge Program facilitates a seamless transition for service members into the civilian workforce, offering hands-on training, exposure to real-world job settings, and skill-building opportunities. With collaborative partnerships, tailored training, and an emphasis on veteran inclusion, the program empowers individuals to thrive and become valuable assets to future employers while enriching organizations through diverse perspectives and problem-solving abilities.

The talent pool listed is determined by the total number of military members exiting the service annually, including veterans and spouses seeking employment.

Time Saved Using ARMOR to access Interns

Up to 3 Years

Military Members Separating from service

200,000 annually

Total Available SkillBridge Interns

22,000 annually

  • Training

    We will schedule and provide Veteran inclusion training to your company as well as transitioning training to the service members to ensure a well established standard of communication.

  • Getting Approval

    We will expedite your approval process to gain access to military interns via the DoD Skillbridge Program. Our average approval time is one to two weeks.

  • Screening

    We will conduct a candidate screening process to ensure we can meet your specific goals and requirements. Following the screening, we will facilitate interviews and the beginning steps of placement with military interns or Veterans within your organization.

  • Contact US

    We strive to understand your company inside out, delving into the specifics of your requirements. Based on this understanding, we will craft a tailor-made plan to precisely address your unique needs.

Are you looking to make a meaningful impact while growing your business and workforce simultaneously? Look no further than the SkillBridge program, a dynamic initiative that connects veterans with your company's needs. With over 200,000 transitioning service members annually, there's an untapped pool of highly motivated, disciplined, and skilled individuals ready to join your team. Here's why you should consider targeting veterans through SkillBridge:

  1. Quality Talent Pool: Veterans bring a unique set of skills and experiences to the table. They are quick learners, adaptable, and thrive under pressure, making them a valuable asset to any organization.

  2. Diverse Skill Sets: SkillBridge participants come from various military backgrounds, offering expertise in fields such as logistics, healthcare, technology, engineering, and more. You can find the right match for your business needs.

  3. Cost-Effective Hiring: The SkillBridge program offers a cost-effective way to hire top-tier talent. Veterans are often eligible for financial support during their transition, reducing your recruitment expenses.

  4. Workforce Development: By participating in SkillBridge, you're contributing to the development of the veteran workforce. It's not just about filling positions; it's about fostering talent and giving back to those who served our nation.

  5. Positive Public Image: Demonstrating your commitment to hiring veterans through SkillBridge can enhance your company's reputation. Customers and clients appreciate organizations that support veterans, leading to increased brand loyalty.

  6. Tax Incentives: In many cases, there are tax incentives and benefits associated with hiring veterans. This can lead to significant savings for your business while supporting the veteran community.

  7. Leadership Potential: Veterans often possess strong leadership skills, which can be a valuable asset in managerial roles within your organization. They understand the importance of teamwork, discipline, and integrity.

  8. Diversity and Inclusion: Hiring veterans promotes diversity and inclusion within your workforce. Their unique perspectives and backgrounds enrich your company culture and can lead to more innovative solutions.

  9. Proven Track Record: Veterans are known for their reliability and commitment to completing tasks. You can count on them to get the job done, even in challenging circumstances.

  10. Fulfilling a Patriotic Duty: By targeting veterans through SkillBridge, you're not only expanding your business but also contributing to the economic well-being of the veteran community. It's a chance to give back to those who have sacrificed for our nation.